
最近在图书馆看到一本《VPNS A BEGINNER’S GUIDE》,比较有趣。该书的前半部分用于简单罗列一些计算机网络相关的知识点,后半部分讲VPN相关知识。由于鄙人自知本科计网课程学得极度不扎实,于是打算借此机会回顾一遍相关知识点并用这篇博客记录。由于计算机网络相关知识点太多(各种协议),本篇不会尝试记录所有细节(我脑子也记不住),只是将对应的知识点写在对应的栏目下方便日后查阅,并简单概括一下自己的理解。日后应该会不断将本书外学到的相关知识也在这篇博客里补充,但愿它可以变得臃肿而有意义吧。

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A Brief Review of Git Operations

As a popular SVN, Git appears in almost every developper’s toolkit, regardless of what type of projects they are working on. Git provides us with a convenient way to keep track of all the changes made to a project, so that we can easily revert the project back to certain states if errors occur.

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Hello World

It’s 0:30am, Jan 24th, 2023. I’m writing this very first blog on this website.

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